Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Palin for President...

This political cartoon depicts what Sarah Palin's Presidency would look like
It is far too early in the game to tell who will be running in the 2012 presidential campaign, but I will say however that there is an increasing amount of buzz surrounding the prospect of Sarah Palin running.

     This Alaskan mom is a figure of the media if you ask me, and highly unsuited for the Presidential office. However, her lack of qualification for the job just may earn her a spot in the running because she will keep the media happy, and will be an easy opponrnt for whomever does earn the Republican Nominataion.
Republican strategist Mike Murphy who has worked on the campaigns of Senator John McCain, former and former Massachusetts Governor  Mitt Romney, believes that the person most likely to take the nomination will not be clear until the end of 2011. For now, the only thing that is certain is that there will be plenty of Republican candidates looking out to take over the Presidential seat form Obama.I highly doubt it will be Sarah Palin.

Source: Memmott, Mark."GOP Consultant: Smart Republicans Hope Palin Runs". National Public Radio.28 December, 2010. <http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2010/12/28/132409855/gop-consultant-smart-republican-opponents-hope-palin-runs>

Are the Dog Days Over for Michael Vick?: President Obama a Man of Forgiveness

Michael Vic, punished for animal cruelty
     Michael Vick, a former quarterback for the Atlantic Falcons served 18 months in prison after pleading guilty to holding dog fights in 2007. Now that he is released, and his suspension from the NFL has been lifted, many wonder if it is fair to give him a second chance. He has signed with the Eagles, and looks forward to picking up his football career again.Part of the terms of his release is that he cannot own a dog until 2012, and he expresses interest in getting one.
     This situation seems to have hit the political arena when President Obama recently spoke out against second chances. Predident Obama called the owner of the owner of the Eagles, Jeff Lurie, to discuss Michael Vick.
White House Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton said that President  Obama "of course condemns the crimes that Michael Vick was convicted of,but, as he's said previously, he does think that individuals who have paid for their crimes should have an opportunity to contribute to society again.” This statement leads me to believe that Presdient Obama believes in human potential. I agree with Obama, bec asue I believe that crimes should be punished, but everyone deserves a chance to reform. this relates to my political stance on the death penalty. Finally, this shows that the President is fulfilling his duty  as a leading visionary for the United States is setting a good example, and a national figure of moral behavior.

Xuan, Thai. "Predient Obama supportive of second chance for Michael Vick".CNN Politics.27, December 2010. <http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2010/12/27/president-obama-supportive-of-second-chance-for-michael-vick/>

Bad Boys Bad Boys What'ya Gonna Do? What'ya Gonna Do When the FDA Comes for You?

Senator Max Baucus's look says 'OH NO YOU DIDN'T'

     Senators Max Baucus, Democrat, and Charls E. Grassley, Republican raised new questions about experimental use of a Medtronic device in spinal surgery on veterans and soldiers at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center from 2002 to 2004. The FDA had declared that this technology was sound for certain surgeries, but it was not apporved for spines. There was an experiment at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, in which three doctors performed back surgery on roughly 22 veterans, with each doctor performing about seven surgeries. This looks suspicious becasue such a case would not need to be reported if the research touched less than 10 people being tested, and the fact that they divied the soldiers out between doctors shows that they were trying to get past the FDA regulations.
     What makes this case disturbing is that there is evidence to show that those soldiers being treated were not properly informed of the risks of the surgery, and that they did not receive proper followup attention. Also, the whole operation was a pretty shady move that involved money coming under the table for the the Medtronic company itself.
     I feel that the Senators are justified in their investigation of this experiment, and that the FDA is there to look out for the greater good of the American Citizens. It is not right to do testing, especially on our soldiers, if it is not properly approved by the Government. Testing and research is imprtant in today's socety, and technology had proven to save lives, and improve them; but this kind of testing should not go under the radar, or be fueled by medical corporations that want to make money. The senetors are looking out for the soldiers along with patients in years to come by investigation.

Wilson, Duff."2 Senators Raise Questions on Use of Medtronic Device" New York Times.27, December 2010.<http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/28/business/28device.html?ref=us>

Monday, December 27, 2010

Jon Stewart Uses Comedy for the Better, the 9'11 Bill

Jon Stewart, a popular political comedian brought about public awareness for the 9'11 bill that promised to give health care benefits to those firemen and workers who were the first responders to the terrorist attacks on September 11th 2001. The bill was ratified a year ago by the House of Representatives, and has been sitting around in the Senate waiting to get passed by the Senate. The Republican Senate, on December 10th, 2010 allowed to bill to filibuster, or basically be talked to death. What is so disheartening about this situation is that the bill was trumped by a tax bill that was apparently 'of greater importance'. 
Jon Stewart is a comedian, but his political power is undeniable. When he got wind of the Republican filibuster, he spoke out against it on The Daily Show. He sat with four first responders from 9'11 and discussed their health issues with them on television. These men lived that day, and are still facing the challenge that it brought about. The smoke and toxins still linger in these patriots' bodies, and they suffer from heart problems and Cancer. Treatment for such ailments are incredibly expensive,  and the last thing that these men need to hear is that the bill protecting them is being shoved aside. I believe that Jon Stewart underestimated his power as a comedian and that he is a true advocate journalist. His influence has birthed public awareness and uproar regarding this bill, and the hypocrisy of the Republican members of Congress. He uses his personal attachment to 9'11 as a jump start for positive civic reform and awareness. His actions parallel those of influential journalists in the past. Our society is more likely to listen to him than a politician, and I am glad that he is advocating for the brave men and women of 9'11. 

Health Care Reform, Up and Down and All Around

The threat of a Republican filibuster, or the Republicans opposition to a Heath Care Rformation
Nothing says Hoiliday Season like a fresh new heathcare policiy straight from the poilitical oven. Last Christmas Eve, in a dramatic turn of events, Senate passed the new Heath Care Reform piece of legislation amid the winter festivityies. Also in January, 2010, the election brought about a shift in power because the Democratic vote needed for a super majority left with the liberal man, Senetor Kennedey, who was replaced by Scott Brown, which left the bill in a great threat of a Republican filibuster. The Democrats had no choice but to push ahead, and have the bill on the President's desk by March.  As the Obama administration jumped for joy, and asserted the important impact that this plan will have on the county's economic, and social vitality, others off in other meetig plotted against the legislation, planning to nip its political bud. The conservative Republicans basically began filing roughly twenty lawsuits against the policy caliming that it was unconstitutional. This uproar is resultant of the "individual mandate" that would take opporation in 2014, which would make it law that everyone must purchase health insurence or else pay a fine. Many people feel that this health care measure is somewhat communist, but that is an ignorant statement. Peolpe do not want there to be beuriucratic involvement in the healthcare system. The beauricratic system would make it more difficult for healthcare policies to be passesd becasue of the many poeple involved in a beuracratic system. Some calim that the government knows nothing about heath care. However, the policicy is very liberal by nature, and looks out for the common good of the American citizens. 
Theda Skocpol, a Harvard government and sociology professor and co-author of the new book Health Care Reform and American Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know, commented : "Americans are ideological conservatives but operational liberals. That's been an established principal in political science and the study of American public opinion for 50 years." So basically, if you ask someone if they want small businesses to get enough money to be able to support their workers with heath insurance, then the average citizen would most likely answer liberally, but on the other hand, if you ask them if they want the government or the market to tell them what to do they will answer more conservatively. What makes this issue over health care reform so evident in current politics is the effort to change some of the policies present in the law. With the Republican-led house, the law is likely to lose funding for certain aspects and the required heath-insurance "mandate" may be declared unconstitutional.


Rovner,Julie."The Year In Health Care Policy: A Topsy-Turvy Ride".27 December 2010.NPR.<http://www.npr.org/2010/12/27/132262508/the-year-in-health-care-policy-a-topsy-turvy-ride:>

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Lationo Liniage, Leaders of Tomorrow

Julian Castro Mayor of San Antonio
The citizens of San Antonio, Texas are primarily of Latino decent. Their mayor, Julian Castro  exemplifies the politician of tomorrow. This 36-year old mayor did not look much different from those whom he addressed at a rally over a San Antonio school bond earlier this year where he asserted: "We have an obligation, in this year 2010, to ensure that a whole new generation of young people has the best facilities, the best opportunity, to succeed in our schools (...) We need this bond issue for the future of our young people."

    It is estimated that every 30 seconds, a Latino turns eighteen in America. This number is startling. To think I thought I was a minority Mexican 18-year-old woman of American society. I am pleased however, that this statistic is prompting officials to invest more money, time, and energy into brightening the future for the astounding number of Latino youth in our country. With the recent profiling that became an issue of topic in Arizona, it is imperative that the Latino youth of America be provided with good, strong leaders and role models such as Julian Castro. Apparently Castro comes from a family of political activists. When he was a child, his mother would bring him to the polls with her so that he could see the importance of voting and being an active citizen. I distinctly remember being young and going with my own mother to vote. My mother, who is a fair skinned Norwegian/Northern Italian woman, once asked for a sticker that said "ya vote" because she wanted to show me how cool it was that they were making them in Spanish. The woman working at the poll booth looked at her and asked her in an accusatory tone why on earth she would want a sticker in Spanish, and my mom vigorously replied "Because my husband and children are Mexican and proud of it!" To this day, I am proud of that sticker, and it was by my mother's example that I too want to be an active member in society, and a strong Latino woman. I hope to see more government officials like Castro. Who knows, perhaps someday I will be up there with him.


"How Do I Speak Up When I Don't Even Know How To Speak Down?" : If you see something, say something Wallmart shoppers of America!

What is considered out of the ordinary and worth reporting? 
     Picture a mother of two pushing her cart through Walmart as one of her kids tugs her arm toward the toy isle, the other begs her to get an slushy from the snack bar. She is annoyed at the holiday crowds rushing past her, and begins to tune out her children as she makes her way to the dog food isle. She is thankful for the sale on Purina, hence why she and millions of others pack into the store like cattle. All of a sudden an announcement sounds over an intercom, something to the effect of "remember Walmart shoppers, if you see any suspicious activities, please report them. If you see something say something". This is the voice of
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet A. Napolitano. These messages are part of the campaign to make people more alert and aware of their surroundings. It has been evident in years past, that some of the greatest threats to homeland security have been foiled by average people on the lookout. For instance, once there was a smoking car in the middle of times Square which came to be noticed by a street vendor. His perceptiveness saved lives that day. The announcement that sounds in Walmart is part of a bigger campaign that is also sounding in The Mall of America, and areas of Public transit.

      So here is the issue. The children turn to their mother after hearing this announcement, "Mommy are there bad people here" . The mother tells her children that they have nothing to worry about, but she is reminded to be on her guard at all times. However, at what point does she become desensitized to this announcement, and start believing her own words of consolation? Also, do these announcements invite her to openly invite people to partake in racial profiling? Everyone will respond differently. I feel that it is a good thing to keep people on their toes, but I do not believe in racial profiling. Heightened security is a good thing. Some may argue that these announcements will alarm people and make them live in fear, even in places as seemingly safe as a superstore. Some people do not feel comfortable reporting others because they do not wish to judge. Others judge too quickly and offend others. What the Secretary of Homeland Security is trying to accomplish through theses announcements is to arm people with awareness so that they do not have to fear, and they can fight fear itself. She wants us to look out for unattended packages, and abandoned smoking cars rather than judging the guy next to you on the train because he dresses differently than you.
